Crimini Barley Risotto

This recipe is often served in my household with the stuffed artichoke in previous posts. It is becuase I use the broth that is leftover from boiling the artichokes that makes it SO GOOD!

2 cups barley
1 Onion
1 clove Garlic
8 oz Mushrooms (sliced)
1 Tbs Butter
1 Tbs Olive oil
6-8 cups of Artichoke Broth (Hot)
Fresh Ground Pepper
Parmesan Cheese

  1. Saute Onions, garlic, mushrooms, butter, oil, in deep saucepan till translucent.
  2. Add Barley and toast in the remaining oils
  3. Now add at a cup at a time broth to the barley mixture until thoroughly absorbed. Repeat
  4. Continue till plump, about 10 min
  5. Add a generous amount of Pepper to taste, and top with parmesan. Serve immediately

Serves 4 as side dish, 2 as main meal.
