
Australian Chips!

This is a family talent that this girl hasn't been able to quite master yet. But since my family hales from Australia, they call homemade french fries "Chippies". We invited my Auntie and Grandma over to learn how to master this family talent one weekend. Below you will find out how we created these delightful, crispy, fluffy, crunchy, and soft "Chippies". 


1 1/2 Russet Potatoes per person slivered

440ml Vegetable Oil


Heat the oil in a medium pot. To test temperature use a wooden spoon and push lightly on bottom of pot. You know your oil is hot enough when little bubbles form, when you put a wooden spoon or small piece of potato in the bath of oil. 

Add potatoes, cover with lid and wait for oil to become a rolling boil. Stir intermittently to insure potatoes don't stick to bottom. This process is called "steaming" the potatoes. After 5-10 min fish out a chip, and check for readiness. Should be able to easily cut through with knife. 

Remove lid, and keep stirring intermittently to prevent sticking until golden brown bits form. 

Transfer "chippies" to paper towel lined sheet pan. 

Enjoy with sour cream and sweet chili! Yummers!
